Designee Management System (DMS) Coming to the Salt Lake FSDO
In the coming week the FAA will be deploying the Designee Management System (DMS) in the Salt Lake FSDO. The DMS is a program that manages a DPE as well as other designees in the FAA designee program. We will be required to submit all airman information and possibly aircraft information 24 hours prior to the beginning of the practical test. If this information is not submitted, we will not be given approval to conduct the test.
Over the next few weeks as we ask for information that we have not asked for in the past, please be accommodating as we both navigate through this transition. If information is delayed getting into DMS your test may be delayed.
As we integrate into DMS it should be a smooth process. However, I do expect a few hiccups with checkrides already scheduled. If you have a checkride scheduled in the upcoming weeks, please be proactive in returning information that DPEs may ask for.
We all are waiting to see exactly how DMS will impact your practical test. Please be patient with us as we navigate this new requirement.